Communicable Diseases Plan

Safety Plan- Effective July 1, 2021

Following the guidelines of the Provincial Health Officer and WorkSafe BC, we are now gradually moving back to in-person services in our clinic. Please bear in mind that we are a healthcare facility. The following communicable disease policies* are now back in place to promote everyone’s safety and health:

  1. All staff and clients are required to complete a health check prior to coming in. If you, or your child, are unwell please stay at home. Cancellations without 24 hour notice may be charged for the missed session. We are happy to rebook if given 24 hours notice. If we cancel, there will be no charge. We provide our staff with paid sick time to promote wellness.
  2. Mask wearing is optional for children, based on their comfort level. Social distancing of 3m in groups will be maintained when possible. Physical plexiglass barriers or face shields may also be used in a session.
  3. Adults with completed double vaccinations do not have to wear masks. All other adults are requested to please wear a mask at this time.
  4. All staff and clients are required to hand wash/sanitize upon arrival. Staff will be washing hands and sanitizing work spaces and materials between clients. Everyone will be required to hand wash/sanitize before and after eating, using the washroom, or blowing their nose. As always, children will be encouraged to cough or sneeze into their elbow or a tissue.
  5. As always, our clinic spaces and materials are cleaned and sanitized daily.

*These policies replace our standing COVID-19 Safety Plan.