?Spring Clinic Update

20 Years and Counting ?

We are celebrating our 20th anniversary of providing private SLP services to the Island!  We are extremely proud of this accomplishment and excited to keep the ball rolling.  Watch for some fun celebrations soon.

Return to a New Normal

The Provincial Health Officer has repealed the mask mandate for indoor settings and school, at your discretion.  We strongly recommend still wearing a mask in close settings such as a therapy room where lots of talking, singing, and laughing is happening.  As we step back to a Communicable Diseases Plan again, we will continue to hand wash/sanitize before every session and clean and sanitize our rooms and materials after every session.  Staff will cancel sessions if they are not feeling well, and we ask you to do the same.
Please give us 24 hours notice, if possible, or we may have to charge for the session.

Everything Old is New Again

As we all return to ‘normal’, we are returning to our 2020 Fee Schedule of $140 per hour for our SLPs. During the COVID-19 shut downs, we recognized that families were struggling with expenses so we rolled our SLP rates back to our 2017 rate of $120 for our clients paying out of pocket.  We also forgave many outstanding debts for clients who had hit a financial crisis that year.  We protected our staff from the financial stress of significantly reduced hours by providing them a guaranteed salary during the crisis. We appreciate everyone’s support and loyalty during the past two years.  It has been a very difficult few years for everyone and we know some families are still dealing with multiple issues.  If you are in financial difficulty, please talk to your therapist or to Leslie directly. 

Hoppy Easter!

We will be closed for the long weekend from April 15 to 18.??

Stroke Recovery

The BC Stroke Recovery program has opted to move to a strictly teletherapy group program run by volunteers. We will no longer be facilitating the Nanaimo Stroke group, but we are still available for individual support/therapy and we are still supporting the Oceanside Stroke Recovery Group. We have staff who specialize in adult stroke recovery, cognitive/memory support, Parkinson’s voice maintenance, brain injury and concussion recovery.